Since 2015 Kids to Teens has been an authorised Cambridge exam centre. All our students are prepared to successfully take the prestigious Cambridge Certificates from year 3 of primary school onwards.
Our courses take as their standard the one dictated by the prestigious British University, Cambridge, which is widely recognised by all as the most authoritative reference.
Why is it important
to start in primary school?
Technically speaking, obtaining a language certificate at such an early age is of little practical use, unless you have to move abroad and place your children in foreign schools.
However, getting children used to preparing for an exam and challenging themselves to pass it is of great value in the future, when they will have to face more demanding tests.
This way children will be much more prepared, aware and confident, and will achieve remarkable results that will further serve as an incentive to continue learning, to improve and not to see those exams as an obstacle but as a means for growth.
When does the course of study end and what final level is reached?
As you can see in the attached table, the Cambridge exams reach the C2 level, when the command of the language is comparable to that of a ‘native speaker’.
Since our courses are designed for children and teenagers of up to 17 years of age, our courses usually end with the attainment of the B2 FIRST Certificate, a university-recognised certification with credit rights, which our students obtain at around the age of 16/17.
How is language proficiency assessed?
All language skills, listening, reading, writing and speaking, are assessed by assigning a value between 1 and 5 badges for younger children, and by scoring points for older students.
At the most important stage of preparation (primary school), it is essential that children achieve good results in all language skills, at least 4 out of 5 badges, to make sure that they are fulfilled and want to continue the course.